Attendance Procedures & Forms

Full Day Absence Reporting 

We encourage parents to report absences online; there will be a new process for the 2024-25 school year that we will share in August. There will no longer be our online attendance form as in the past. Full Day absences may also be reported by calling our Attendance Line at 703-319-2727

  • If reporting by phone please include the items below in your message:
    • Student’s first and last name spelled clearly or slowly
    • Student ID Number
    • Specific information regarding reason for absence, including, illness diagnosis or symptoms and whether or not the student has seen a physician.
    • The Parent/Guardian phone number (for verification) 
  • Emailed excuses will not be accepted. We ask that you please complete the form.

Partial Day Absence Reporting 

Students will use the Attendance Window (Main Office) for early checkouts, late arrivals, and other attendance business.   

Late Arrivals

Students arriving after 8:10 AM (1st Period start) will be marked unexcused tardy.  

  • Please use the online form or call the attendance line for late arrivals.  Students must have a handwritten note from a parent or doctor.  If you would like to fax a note, our fax number is 703-319-2708.
  • If a student does not have a note, they will be marked "unexcused tardy" and must present a note to the Attendance Office within 48 hours for the tardy to be changed to excused. 
  • In the note, please include the student name, time the student is coming to school, the reason for the tardy, a parent/guardian signature, the student ID, and contact phone number for follow-up.
  • The following will not be excused: oversleeping, power outages, car trouble, traffic, and missing the bus. Students will be given a pass to enter their assigned class after checking in at the Attendance Window.

Checking Out Early

Students leaving before the end of the school day need to have a note from a parent excusing the early dismissal. If the note/form information is for a valid absence the student will be issued a pass to leave class at the appointed time.

  • You cannot use the attendance form to request early dismissal. Students should have a handwritten note from a parent or guardian.
  • We ask that students bring the note to the attendance window by 9:45 to get the early dismissal pass. Please note: Teachers will NOT allow students to leave class without this pass or confirmation from the attendance office.
  • If a student does not have a note, they will be marked "unexcused". Students may not leave campus during the school day without permission. If a student leaves campus without permission or without checking out, they may be subject to disciplinary consequences.
  • In the note, please include the student name, time the student is leaving, the reason for the early dismissal, a parent/guardian signature, the student ID, and contact phone number for follow-up.
  • If the need for an early check out arises after the start of school, please call the attendance line, 703-319-2727 BEFORE 1:00 pm. After leaving a message, please have your student pick up their checkout pass from the Attendance Office between classes or during lunch. 

If returning to school that same day, students must check in at the Attendance office before going back to class, even if it is between classes.

Tardiness/Unexcused Absences

Students who are late to class without a valid pass will be recorded as unexcused tardy. Students who miss class without a valid reason or do not follow the procedure will be recorded as unexcused absence. Both of these behaviors may lead to disciplinary consequences.

Pre- Arranged Absences

Parents / Students complete the Oakton Pre Arranged Absence Form at least one week (five school days) prior to the first day of the absence. (Note: if you download the form, it is fillable.)

The following process will be followed:

  • All portions of the form must be completed. The form with absence details will be reviewed by Oakton Administration (to determine whether the absence will be excused or unexcused).
  • Students are permitted a maximum of three days per year for events like college visits, religious holidays, and required family trips.
  • Please note the following about absences:
    • Excused absences may include, but are not limited to, the following reasons: illness (including mental health and substance use illnesses), injury, funeral, legal obligations, medical procedures, religious observances, military obligation, deployment-related absences, civic engagement activity absences, family emergency, or other reason deemed acceptable by the principal.
    • If the reason for this prearranged absence is different from the above, please indicate the reason for the absence. Parents must plan to arrange for their child to complete make-up work, tests, or projects. If the student’s absence request exceeds five days, a parent conference may be required. The conference will require a review of the student’s academic and absence record. Students who are absent 15 or more consecutive school days will be withdrawn from enrollment.