Cell Phone Policy
This policy is in effect for the 2024-25 school year
Cell Phone Policy
Phones are not to be used during school except for when allowed by Regulation 2601, High school students may use their phones during passing times and at lunch.
Email to the Community on August 12
Oakton High School is one of a handful of high schools testing a new program for students to store cell phones during instructional times. Oakton High School will not be receiving storage units. Instead, as one of eight non-storage schools in this new cell phone storage program, our staff will be helping make sure our students follow the cell phone rules we already have. These rules are in place to help make Oakton High School a great place to learn. Studies show that young people who use their phones at school have trouble learning, focusing, and getting good grades. These rules are:
- Phones must be silenced and put away during all instructional periods. Cell phones may be used on campus before the first bell, after the last bell, during passing periods, and lunches.
- Phone accessories are also to be silenced and away when phone use is prohibited. Smart watches that serve a dual purpose may be worn, but the phone features (texting, Internet viewing, and calls) are to be off when phone use is prohibited.
If you need to reach your student during class time, please call our front office at 703-319-2700. If your student needs access to their phone for medical accommodations, it is important to note that the current cell phone policy and guidelines have not changed. Therefore, students who currently require access to a cell phone or another personally owned device for medical reasons, or an accommodation to access the curriculum and make progress to their individualized goals, will continue to have such access.
Please talk to your student about these rules and why they are important. You can also talk to your student about what will happen if they are caught breaking these rules. This includes getting their phone taken away for the day, getting detention, having a family conference, and losing phone privileges.
We will be giving our teachers extra training to help them remind our students about these rules, and during this school year we will be tracking how well our students follow them. This data will be compared to the schools who are getting storage units. This will help us learn how to make our schools even better learning spaces for our students.
You can also find more information on FCPS’ cell phone policy webpage (for all schools) and cell phone storage webpage (for schools that are getting storage containers). Both of these webpages include a button to provide feedback.
Daily Process
- As a student enters each classroom, they will silence their cell phones (or place in airplane mode). Smartwatches also need to be placed in silent or airplane mode. If a student brings airpods to school, these must be stored in the student’s backpack during class.
- As the student enters each classroom, they will place their phones in their backpacks.
- When class ends, students will be able to access their phones.
- A daily schoolwide announcement is made first thing in the morning to remind students to silence their phones and to place phones in their backpacks as they enter each of their classrooms.
- Students may still use their phones during passing time and at lunch (but not in restrooms except in emergencies), in accordance with the SR&R.
- Students with IEPs who have an accommodation allowing access to their phones or students with a documented medical need requiring access to their phones will be allowed to have access to their phones.
Staff Response and Discipline
Cell Phone Violations | Staff Response | Discipline |
First Violation | The phone is confiscated by a staff member and held until the end of the class. The phone will be secured by a staff member in the student’s classroom if the violation occurs in the classroom, or the phone will be secured in the office if the violation occurs in the hall or bathroom during class time. The student can pick up their phone at the end of the class. A parent/guardian is notified. | The student receives a warning and the violation is logged in SIS. |
Second Violation | The phone is confiscated and given to the front office. The student can pick up their phone at the end of the school day. A parent/guardian is notified. | The student receives detention and the violation is logged in SIS. |
Third Violation | The phone is confiscated and given to the front office. A parent/guardian is notified. A parent/guardian must pick up the phone. The phone will not be released to the student. | The student receives detention and a parent/guardian conference is held. The violation is logged in SIS. |
Fourth Violation | The phone is confiscated and given to the front office. A parent/guardian is notified. A parent/guardian or designee must pick up the phone. The phone will not be released to the student. | Phone privileges at school are lost for 20 school days and the violation is logged in SIS. For each of these 20 days, the student will report to the front office at the beginning of each day to turn over their phone until the end of the day. |