SOL Testing
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Spring SOL Testing (April-May 2025)
Across Virginia this spring, high school students will be taking Standards of Learning (SOL) End-of-Course (EOC) tests. A Frequently Asked Questions webpage ( provides more information about SOL EOC tests in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS).
In FCPS, high school non-writing SOL tests will be scheduled between April 22 and May 23, 2025, and retakes are scheduled the week of May 27- May 30, 2025. All SOL tests are taken in-person at school. Online SOL tests are not available for remote delivery from home. Our staff will schedule specific SOL testing dates for your student.
The table below shows the SOL EOC non-writing tests available this spring for federal participation and/or verified credit. If you have questions about SOL testing, please contact your student’s school counselor or the assessment coach/school test coordinator at our school. Testing dates have been included for parents to use for planning purposes. Notice that the tests have date ranges—specific dates and locations of testing will be sent to students through their FCPS email accounts two weeks prior to testing.
- Federal law requires schools to provide students one SOL test in reading, mathematics, and science while they are in grades 9-12. The tests provide information about student achievement to the parent, school, school division, and state. Scores are available for families no later than the start of the next school year.
- Additionally, state law requires students to verify credit for high school courses in order to fulfill graduation requirements for a standard or advanced studies diploma. For additional information regarding graduation requirements see the Graduation Requirements and Course Planning webpage ( SOL tests are the most common way students earn the verified credits they need. SOL tests are designed to measure what students have learned of the content and skills detailed in the Virginia Standards of Learning.

* Social studies SOL tests are only available for students with prior course credit who still need a test for verified credit and for students taking the social studies course through Edmentum or Multi-Agency Services. FCPS has adopted temporary state flexibility allowing the division to verify credit based on classroom performance assessment in place of the SOL test for all other students currently taking a social studies course.
Writing SOL Testing
Writing SOL– Juniors in English 11, English 11 HN, and AP LANG Students
The Writing SOL window will take place during the week of March 3, 2025 this year for juniors enrolled in English 11, English 11 HN, and AP LANG (AP LANG by sign up as the AP Exam can be used as a substitute test for the Writing SOL if a student obtains a score of 2 or higher on the exam). The Writing SOL is available for students and families who opted not to take the WorkKeys: Business Writing test or who were chronically absent from these test opportunities. SOL Testing must take place in-person at Oakton High School. Students who will be taking SOLs will be notified through their email of their specific testing schedules.
Testing must be done on students' FCPS-issued laptops. If a student is experiencing issues with an FCPS-issued laptop, please reach out to IT as soon as possible.
Email @email or with any other questions you may have regarding Writing SOL testing for current English 11 and 11 HN students.
Parent FAQ’s: SOL Testing
Q: What should my child bring to school specifically for testing?
A: Students should bring a pencil, their FCPSOn Computer, and charger to testing. Students should not bring personal computers, as they cannot be used for SOL testing. They are permitted a water bottle, sweater, or jacket as well. For math and science related tests, they are not allowed to bring a calculator, but for these SOLs, there is an online version of the DESMOS calculator accompanying the tests.
Q: What time of day and date do SOLs begin?
A: Student testing emails will specify testing dates for students, which will be sent out at least two weeks prior to testing, but all scheduled tests begin with the school day at 8:10 AM.
Q: How long are the SOLs?
A: SOL tests are untimed, and a student has the school day to complete the exam. Some of the longer tests like the reading, math, or science SOLs take around 90-120 minutes.
Q: Which classes have SOLs?
A: At the high school level, there are 10 End of Course classes that have SOLs.
- English 11 and AP LANG: Writing and Reading
- Algebra 1
- Geometry
- Algebra 2
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Geosystems: Earth Science
- World History I
- World History II
- United States and Virginia History (US/VA)
Q: What content is covered on the SOL exam?
A: Visit the VDOE to for resources like updated standards, practice tests, and materials.
Q: When are make-up tests?
A: We must pull students who missed an SOL test into make-up testing within the primary SOL attempt window (April 22- May 24). If you know that your child will be absent from testing in advance, contact your child’s SOL teacher and Catie Bishop at [email protected] for make-up options.
Q: What happens if my child does not pass an SOL?
A: The passing score range is 400-600. Normally, if a student scores within a range of 350-399, he or she will be permitted to retake the SOL after remediating with a teacher.
Q: What SOLs does my child need, depending on his or her diploma type and ninth grade entry date?
A: You can follow this link to the requirements for the standard and advanced studies diplomas regarding verified credits for students who entered ninth grade for the first time in 2016-17 and 2017-2018.
You can follow this link to the requirements for the standard and advanced studies diplomas regarding verified credits for students who enter the ninth grade for the first time in 2018-2019 and beyond.
Changes for High School SOL Testing
Students in Virginia high schools will take fewer Standards of Learning (SOL) tests than in the past as a result of changes from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Students who are enrolled in a high school SOL course are now only required to take the SOL test if they need the assessment to fulfill:
- Federal participation requirements (one SOL test for mathematics, reading, and biology taken during grades 9-12); and/or
- Content area verified credit requirements for graduation, based on the student’s ninth grade entry year and the diploma type the student is pursuing.
All students who entered high school in 2017-18 or prior are required to earn one (1) “student-selected” verified credit beyond those needed for specific content areas. The number of assessments students have available as options for student-selected tests each year depends on their current course enrollment and what verified credits they have already earned from previous courses. During course registration, counselors discussed student-selected SOL options with affected students. In the coming weeks, you will receive your student’s testing plan for this spring, including student-selected SOL tests, and how you can be involved in testing decisions. When you receive this plan, you are encouraged to talk with your student about their upcoming tests. You can find additional information on student-selected tests at this webpage: If you have questions or concerns about testing plans, please contact your student’s school counselor. For questions about SOL testing changes from the VDOE, you may contact our Assessment Coach, Mrs. Catie Bishop, at [email protected].
SOL Season - Personal Electronic Devices are Prohibited
As SOL season is approaching, we want to remind families that electronic personal devices of any kind (phones, watches, etc.) are prohibited inside the SOL testing environment. Please be aware that any personal devices carried into the testing environment will be subject to the school’s established procedures for addressing this as a test security concern. In past instances, a student’s access to a personal device in the testing environment has been identified as attempted cheating; please don’t let this happen to you! Let’s work together to create a positive and safe testing environment for everyone.