AP Exams
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Oakton AP Exam Information
This information was updated on October 15, 2024.
Advanced Placement (AP) Testing
Exams will be held the weeks of May 5 and May 12.
The current AP exam testing schedule can be found here.
Oakton AP Testing Schedule
These will be updated with locations as we get closer to testing time.

Signing up for AP Exams
If you are enrolled in a class at Oakton, you will sign in to your College Board account and use a join code to join all of your classes.
Issues with your College board account
Students will login here: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/
If you have issues accessing your College Board account, there is a help page that can help you access your account here: https://pages.collegeboard.org/account-help. You can also contact the College Board at 888-225-5427. Oakton High School is not able to help with College Board accounts.
How to sign up for an AP Exam if you are not enrolled in the course
If any student wants to take an AP exam in a course that he/she is not enrolled in, registration is now open. Each exam costs $99. You can use this google form to register. Students currently enrolled in an AP course at OHS are automatically registered for the corresponding AP exam and do not need to complete any additional form. The deadline to register is October 20th. Payment can be submitted through My School Bucks or check made out to Oakton High School. Payment is required before the exam space will be reserved.
Exam Locations and Times
Exam locations
Students will receive a letter in April, 2025 with information about their exam dates and times. The last week of April, students will receive an email to their FCPS email with further information about testing location. Each day before each exam, students will get a reminder email with details about where to go for their tests along with any needed materials.
What time do AP tests start?
Morning AP Exams begin at 8:00 am and students should arrive no later than 7:45 am. Most morning exams are completed by 12:00 pm. Students taking an exam in the afternoon should report no later than 11:30 a.m. for their exam. Afternoon exams typically run to about 4:00 pm, and student transportation will need to be provided by student or parent.
If a student is taking an exam in both the morning and the afternoon, he or she will have a brief break in between to eat lunch.
Students who arrive after the test has started will not be admitted.
I have a conflict with the date of my AP exam. What should I do?
Possible conflicts include a religious holiday, an academic contest, an athletic contest, a conflict with another AP exam, a family commitment, or another school event. Contact Kim Stewart, AP Coordinator, at @email as soon as you know you have a conflict to schedule a late test.
AP Exam Fees
FCPS AP Exam Registration and Fees
Please refer to the FCPS website for additional information.
How to opt out of exams
Students were given an opt-out form which details the exams they have already taken and those that they are scheduled for in May 2025. If they wish to opt out of any of the exams, they must submit the opt-out form by the deadline shared.
Test Format
Tests will be in a variety of formats this year. The College Board website has more information about specific tests and how they will be administered, and we have highlights below:
Fully Digital Exams
The following exams will be fully digital, where both multiple choice and free-response will be completed through the Bluebook application.
- AP Art History
- AP Comparative Government and Politics
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Computer Science Principles (this also includes a performance task)
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP English Literature and Composition
- AP Environmental Science
- AP European History
- AP Human Geography
- AP Latin
- AP Psychology
- AP Seminar (this also includes a performance task)
- AP United States Government and Politics
- AP United States History
- AP World History: Modern
Hybrid Digital AP Exams
For these exams, students will complete the multiple-choice questions through Bluebook. The free-response questions will be viewed in Bluebook with answers recorded in a paper exam booklet.
- AP Biology
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Chemistry
- AP Macroeconomics
- AP Microeconomics
- AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- AP Precalculus
- AP Statistics
Other Exams
- AP Art (2-D, 3-D, Drawing): Students will submit portfolios through the Digital Portfolio
- AP Chinese Language and Culture and AP Japanese Language and Culture: These will be administered on a different online application.
- AP French Language and Culture, AP Spanish Language and Culture, and AP Music Theory: You will complete most of the exam on paper and then record audio responses using an online application.
- AP Research: This will be only the performance task.
Test Day Issues
What if I’m sick on test day?
Students should make all efforts to take AP tests on the College Board scheduled day. If students are extremely ill on the day of the test and unable to make it to school, they need to contact Kim Stewart, AP Coordinator, at @email on the morning of the test. A note is required to take a late test, and failure to provide documentation forfeits your right to take a late exam; there are no exceptions.
What if I get caught in traffic and run late on the day of the test?
Unfortunately, once the test has started, students will not be admitted. Plan ahead and plan to be early for the test so this is a non-issue. A late test cannot be given for this situation.
What to bring on test day
What am I allowed to bring with me to the test?
In general, make sure you have several #2 pencils (not mechanical), an eraser, and a blue or black pen. As temperature can vary, please dress in layers to keep you comfortable during the exam. Check with your AP teacher for suggested items you might need such as a calculator in math and science classes. Specific exam information for each course, such as calculators you might be allowed to have, can be found here: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/takingtheexam/exam-policies/exam-day-policies
What NOT to bring on test day
Can I have my cell phone with me on the day of my test?
No. Leave your cell phone. You will not be able to use it and it might result in an irregularity on test day; this could include your score being invalidated.
What else should I leave at home or in my locker?
- Students should not have any of the following with them on test day:
- Electronic devices – iPods, MP3 players, digital cameras, cell phones
- Extra materials – books, compasses, mechanical pencils, correction fluid, colored pencils, pencil cases
- Backpacks
- Tissue boxes
- Rulers and straightedges (this will be provided on the AP Physics exam)
- Scratch paper
- Watches that beep or have an alarm
- Portable listening devices or recording devices (even with headphones and even if you’re done with a section early)
- Food or drink (including water bottles)
- Computers – if you use a word processor as an accommodation, it will be provided by the school. You may not bring your own
- Calculators (unless taking AP Biology, AP Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Physics 1, Physics C-Mech, Physics C-E&M, or Statistics). Visit the most current list of AP-approved calculators on the College Board student site.
- Clothing with subject-related information
Testing with Accommodations
Students who have an IEP or 504 do not automatically have College Board accommodations.
Submitting Testing Accommodations
Students who would like to apply to the College Board for testing accommodations through their school must submit application and parental consent forms before December 6, 2024 in order to provide schools time to meet the submission deadline established by the College Board. You can find Oakton-specific information, and contact for our SSD coordinator, on our website under Accommodations. Families can also submit requests directly to College Board.
Please note that testing accommodations listed on IEPs or 504s are not automatically granted for AP testing, so families must apply separately to the College Board. If a student already has College Board accommodations approved from a previous PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, SAT, or AP test, then no further action is needed. Once instated, accommodations remain in place for all College Board testing.
- College Board Accommodations Dates & Deadlines Calendar
- FCPS College Board Accommodations Information (Translations Available)
Contact Oakton's SSD coordinator with questions.
What will accommodations look like on test day? What do I do if I don't want to use an accommodation?
Students will be notified as to what accommodations they are eligible to have on their AP exams. Should a student not wish to use their approved accommodations they can notify Kim Stewart, AP Coordinator, at @email as soon as possible.
Who do I contact if I have any questions about AP Testing at Oakton?
You may contact Kim Stewart, AP Coordinator, at @email.