English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Oakton High School ESOL Department

Our Mission
The ESOL Program supports over 14,000 students in elementary, middle, high, transitional, and alternative high schools. Instruction in ESOL classes takes place in English, adding to the rich diversity of experiences, backgrounds, and languages which students bring to FCPS. Through the development of English proficiency, ESOL students can improve their academic achievement in all classes.
On average, students spend two to three years in the ESOL program, progressing through beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. ESOL services take a number of forms, but commonly, student groups meet by English proficiency level. ESOL students may also receive instruction in general education/content classrooms, with ESOL and general education/content teachers jointly instructing the whole class. The ESOL curriculum is aligned with the Language Arts Program of Studies, preparing students for the transition from ESOL into language arts classes alongside their native English-speaking peers.
Course Registration Information
Department Chair and Administrator
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- Assistant Principal, HS
ESOL Staff
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, HS
- ESOL Teacher, HS