Class of 2025
Please feel free to add yourself to our weekly Oakton Updates email lists online. We also welcome you to follow us on Twitter @oaktonhs and on Instagram @oaktonhs
Senior Portraits
Rising senior students are now able to sign up for senior portraits! Unlike previous years, seniors have to sign up for a picture session with Victor O’Neill. Our first sessions will be held June 20, 21, and 24; we’ll send information about subsequent sessions as they come up. The link to sign up was emailed to students and parents on Monday, June 3. If you have questions about senior portraits in general, please email Victor O'Neill studios at @email. Please kindly include your Senior’s First and Last Name and “Oakton Class of 2025” when emailing, for faster assistance. If you have other senior portrait or scheduling questions you can email Martha Rodeheaver, Assistant Principal, at @email.