Special Education
Oakton High School Special Education Department
Our Mission
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is committed to providing special education students with opportunities along with a continuum of services that offers access to and participation in the activities of the school and community environments as appropriate to the age and educational needs of the student.
Fairfax County Public Schools upholds the principles of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as they support the rights of students with disabilities to have decisions regarding their individual instructional program made through the collaboration of parents who know their child best and professional educators who have knowledge of instructional practices and experience in guiding students with disabilities to become productive citizens.
Across the continuum of special education services, Fairfax County Public Schools serves students with one or more of the following identified disabilities:
- Severe and Profound Disability
- Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Autism
- Specific Learning Disability
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Visual Impairment
- Developmental Delays
- Speech and Language
- Intellectual Disability
- Orthopedic Impairment
- Emotional Disability
- Health Impairment

Special Education Category A Department Chair and Administrator
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Interim Assistant School Administrator
Special Education Category A Staff
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Instructional Assistant
- Instructional Assistant
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Instructional Assistant
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Instructional Assistant
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Instructional Assistant
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS
- Learning Disabilities Teacher, MS/HS

Special Education Category B Department Chair and Administrator
- Multiple Disabilities Teacher
- Assistant Principal, HS
Special Education Category B (Adapted Curriculum) Staff
- Multiple Disabilities Teacher
- Instructional Assistant
- Multiple Disabilities Teacher
- Instructional Assistant
- Instructional Assistant
- Instructional Assistant
- Multiple Disabilities Teacher
- Teacher Trainee
- Instructional Assistant
- Multiple Disabilities Teacher
- WAT Teacher
- Health & Physical Education Teacher, HS
- Multiple Disabilities Teacher
Related Service Providers
- Technology Resource Teacher, Special Education
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Career & Transition Teacher