Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
Back to School
Hello Cougars, and welcome back! We are eagerly awaiting the start of school on Monday, August 19th.
We are excited to welcome our students and families back for a great school year ahead! We also wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate many great accomplishments during the 2023-2024 school year. We have highlighted a few topics of celebration around academic success, new mission/vision statements and core values, program highlights, student accolades, and noteworthy events.
Please read this page for all of the Back to School information!
Message from Jamie Lane, Principal
Dear Oakton Cougars:
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! The Oakton High School faculty and staff have been busy planning throughout the summer! We have compiled all our back-to-school information on this page for all students and families to feel prepared for the year ahead. We know that students are excited to see their class schedules. All students/parents in FCPS will be able to access class schedules using StudentVUE/ParentVUE on Thursday, August 15 at 6:00am.
- Click on this link to login to StudentVUE. Use your school login credentials.
- Click on this link to login to ParentVUE.
- Click on the following link for a video on SIS Parent Account navigation. For questions or assistance, contact Mr. Patrick Chang at @email or 703-319-2700.
Our school office will be open daily from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm beginning August 5, 2024, to answer phone calls and assist our community. To gain access to the school, we request that all visitors enter through Door #1 (the main entrance). Anyone wishing to gain access to the school during these hours, will be “buzzed in” by our office personnel. Additionally, all visitors must sign in using our Visitors Management System. To sign in you must have a valid driver’s license or passport. Throughout the school year, our office will be open from 7:30am -4:00pm.
I am excited to announce that we have finalized our new mission and vision statements along with our core value statements. This was a collaborative effort from June 2023-June 2024 as we sought input from staff, students, and families. We believe that our mission, vision, and core values accurately represent the foundation of our work.
Mission Statement
Unlocking potential as we learn and grow together.
At Oakton High School we strive to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, staff, and families. There is an expectation of high-quality instruction for all combined with a wide range of opportunities that allow everyone to pursue excellence.
Vision Statement
Where potential becomes excellence.
Oakton High School graduates will be lifelong learners and ethical and global citizens prepared to meet any opportunity and achieve at high levels.
Core Values
Community | Integrity | Respect
Community: The Oakton community celebrates and accepts our similarities and our differences, united by collaboration and a shared sense of Cougar Pride.
Integrity: Oakton Cougars act with integrity, demonstrating honesty and fairness in everything they do while taking responsibility for their actions.
Respect: Oakton Cougars value and appreciate the unique contributions of each individual, treating everyone with kindness, dignity, and respect.
We remain deeply committed to our school-wide focus of providing all students at Oakton with a welcoming and inclusive environment and high-quality instruction. We believe these focus areas align with our mission and vision statements, as well as our core values and will serve as the basis for our staff professional development conversations throughout the year.
The Oakton High School staff and faculty are here to support you throughout the school year. We have planned several back-to-school events to kick off the new school year: Orientation/Open House (August 15), Cougar Kickoff (August 15) and Back-To-School Night (August 27) and hope to see you there!
We look forward to welcoming students on the first day of classes, Monday, August 19, 2024! Go Cougars!
Jamie S. Lane
Welcome Back Events (Orientation and Open Houses)
We are excited to welcome back our students and families to the 2024-25 School Year! We have a variety of opportunities for you to interact with our faculty and staff, as well as learn more about the courses through a Back to School Night website.
Back to School Events
At the end of August, we will have the following:
- New student Orientation : Thursday, August 15 from 9-11:45 am.
- Please see the linked schedule for more details on our new student orientation.
- Adapted Curriculum (Cat B) Meet and Greet: Thursday, August 15 from 9-10:00 am
- Open house and meet-and-greet for all students who access the adapted curriculum (Cat B). You will receive an email invitation with details. For questions email Jasna Koceva, department chair, at [email protected].
- Optional Open House: Thursday, August 15 from 10:30-11:30 am
- All students are invited to our Back to School Open House event. You may tour the building independently and can walk through your class schedule
- Teachers will be in their classrooms for quick introductions! Please read below for information on when you will learn more about class-specific details through our Back to School Night offerings.
- Cougar Kickoff: Thursday, August 15 from 3-5 pm
- All students and families are invited to stop by to learn about club and extra-curricular offerings, enjoy some food trucks, and self-guided tours of the building. Students can also pick up parking passes during this time if they have applied in advance. This is a great time for us to come together and celebrate the school year ahead!
Back to School Night
We invite you to join us on Tuesday, August 27 for a Back to School Night! For our Back to School Night, we will have two options so that families can select the option that best suits their needs.
Back to School Night Website: In keeping with our tradition since 2019, parents will have access to an informational website that allows you to explore at the time and pace that works best for you. This asynchronous resource will be available to you throughout the school year and will include the same information that will be provided at our in-person Back to School Night. It will be helpful for you to have your child’s schedule available in ParentVUE as a guide to find the relevant staff/class videos. On this site you will find the following:
- Principal Welcome message
- Important Information (Required Forms for All Students)
- School Board Member Videos
- Schoology Learning Tips
- Introductory/Content Area videos from teachers
- This video will include traditional Back to School Night information including grading policies, course syllabus review, content information, and other course-specific details. This will be the same information shared if you opt to come in person in lieu of accessing the site.
Back to School Night: For those interested in a traditional in-person Back to School Night, we invite you to join us on the evening of Tuesday, August 27.
- The schedule for classes will run from approximately 5-7:30 pm. Parents will also have time to sign up for ParentVUE.
- Parents will have an opportunity to go through their child’s schedule class by class and hear the presentation also shared on the Back to School Night Website. Parking will be limited and we encourage parents to carpool or walk if within walking distance. Outside of parking at Oakton High School, there is also street parking and we have arranged with Marshall Road Elementary School for overflow parking. Please note there will not be a shuttle provided. More specific details will be released closer to the event.
Important Oakton Links and Information
- Calendars and Bell Schedule
- Attendance policies and procedures
- FCPS is updating the attendance reporting process beginning at the start of the 2024-25 school year. Parents and caregivers will have the option to report absences directly through ParentVUE starting the first day of school, August 19, 2024. This new feature aims to streamline the attendance reporting process and enhance communication between parents and schools. This change will make it more convenient for parents and schools to manage students' attendance while ensuring the highest level of security.
- The previous attendance forms were discontinued at the end of the 2023-24 school year. A new link for parents and caregivers to submit attendance via ParentVUE will be shared with schools closer to the start of the school year. Parents and caregivers can still report absences and tardies by calling the school or sending an e-mail to the attendance line.
- If you need help with the ParentVUE account, contact Patrick Chang at @email or 703-319-2700.
- Oakton High School Instagram: oaktonhs | X: @OaktonHS
- Oakton Athletics website, Instagram: @OaktonAthletics | X: @oaktonathletics
- Sign up for Oakton High School News and Announcements emails. Mrs. Lane, Oakton HS Principal, sends the weekly update each Monday at 5:30 pm
If you want to sign up for emails from the Activities Office, you can also find that sign up for Oakton High School Athletics
Required Forms for All Students - Online Verification / Update Packet (OVU)
Parents can now update information for their child in one easy location. It is crucial that all families review information in ParentVue to ensure that we have up-to-date contact information and health information to best care for your child. To access the Online Verification Update packet you will log-in to SIS ParentVUE and click on the “Online Packets” tab in the upper right hand corner. If you are accessing via the app on your phone click on the “OLR - Online Packets” button at the top of the screen. You can access more directions and details here.
Note that the OVU packet must be updated by the enrolling parent online.
This update will ask you to verify and/or update the following pertinent information:
- Introduction
- Family
- Home Address Verification , Mailing Address Verification
- Parent/Guardian
- Name, Address, Phone Number, Designation of Primary phone number, Email address
- Emergency
- Add/Delete/Update Emergency Contact information
- Students (for each student enrolled)
- Demographics, Homeless Student Referral, Military Connected Status, Parent/Guardian relationships, Emergency Contact Relationships, Physician Information, Health Insurance Information, FCPS Health Forms (see below), Health Information, Immunization Dates, Internet Access Information
- Documents
- In this section you can download, complete and upload the following applicable documents for your student
- You can also download the updated Health Information Report and Emergency Care Report for your student.
- Authorization for Anaphylaxis Action Plan (SE64) - Required for the administration of epinephrine injection(s) as directed by the licensed prescriber.
- FCPS Authorization for Virginia Asthma Action Plan (SE65) - Required for the administration of an inhaler as directed by the licensed prescriber.
- Medication Authorization (SE 63) - Required for the administration of over-the-counter and prescription medication, with the exception of epinephrine and inhaled medication, as directed by the licensed prescriber/parent/guardian.
- Physician’s Referral for Participation in Physical Education (SE200) - Complete if a modified physical education program is needed
- Specific Health Care Procedures Authorization (SE 180) - Complete for physical condition(s) for which the specific procedure is to be performed.
- Review/Submit
- Review documentation and submit for your student’s information to be updated in the FCPS Student Information System.
Additional Forms for Students - Parent Digital Consent (Some forms required)
Families are asked to log in to the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child.
Forms available in the PDC starting in the 2024-2025 school year include:
- School Counseling Opt-Out
- Digital Resources Consent (Required for students to access approved digital tools in the classroom)
- SEL Screener Opt-Out
- Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Postsecondary Applications
- Denial of Access to Military Recruiters
- Family Life Education Opt-Out
- SOL Retest Permission
- Hazel Health
- BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Opt-Out
- SOS Screener Opt-Out
- Objection to Release of Information to Outside Organizations
- Objection to Release of Directory Information to the Public
FCPS Free and Reduced Lunch Forms and Consent to Share Information
Families must submit an application and be approved to be eligible for free and reduced price meals for the 2024-25 school year.
Eligible families are encouraged to submit the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application before the first day of the 2024-25 school year. More information is on the FCPS website, including forms to apply for Free or Reduced Lunch.
If your children are eligible for free and reduced lunch, they may also be eligible to participate in several fee-based programs (class fees, senior dues, etc.) at either no cost or a reduced cost if you provide a consent to share information form. You can scroll to the bottom of the FCPS page to access “Consent to Share Information”.
Student Rights and Responsibilities - Signature
Every year, FCPS requires parents/guardians to review, sign, and return the SR&R parent/guardian signature page acknowledging awareness of online access to and/or the opportunity to receive a printed copy of the FCPS SR&R Guide for Families.
When available, you can complete this requirement through your ParentVUE account in the Online Verification Account packet (see above). Upon login to your ParentVUE account, you will be prompted immediately to complete the SR&R signature page. Note that your name in the digital signature box must match the parent/guardian’s first and last name in SIS exactly before the signature will be accepted. The prompt will repeat in ParentVue until the signature page has been completed.
We will make families aware of when these forms become available for your review and acknowledgement.
Students will review this year’s SR&R through their Cougar Connect class (3rd period) on Wednesday, August 21.
Important Upcoming Dates
- August 15 – Schedules available in StudentVUE and ParentVUE at 6 am
- August 15 – Rising Freshman and New Student Orientation, 9-11:30 am
- August 15 – Open house invitation, 10:30-11:30 am
- August 15 – Cougar Kickoff, 3-5 pm
- August 19 – First Day of School!
- August 23 – Senior Sunrise
- August 26-28 – Senior portraits
- August 27 – Back to School Night (specific details to come)
- August 30 – No School
- September 2 – No School, Labor Day
- September 3 – Gradebooks available in StudentVUE/ParentVUE
- September 6, 9 – Underclassmen Portraits (through English classes)
- September 16 - Homecoming Pep Rally
- September 16-20 - Homecoming Spirit Week
- September 20 – Senior Panoramic, Homecoming Game
- September 21 – Homecoming Dance
- October 3 – No School, Rosh Hashanah
- October 4 – No School, Teacher Work Day
- October 9 – PSAT (10th-11th Grade)/SAT (12th Grade) Day; No-School 9th grade/non-testers
- October 14 – Staff Development Day, Indigenous Peoples’ Day
- October 15-17 – Senior Portraits
- October 28 – Partners for Safe Teen Driving, Night 1
- October 31 – End of 1st Quarter, 2 hour early release
- November 1 – No School, Diwali and All Saints Day / Dia de los Muertos
- November 4-5 – Teacher Workdays – Student Holidays
- November 6 – Underclassmen Portraits Make-up (Final Opportunity)
- November 11 – Winter Sports Begin
- November 11 – No School, Veterans’ Day
- November 20 – Senior Portraits (Final Opportunity)
- November 22-24 – No School, Thanksgiving Break
**The entire FCPS school calendar can be accessed here. If you would prefer to print it with burgundy/gold highlights, you can find that on our website under Bell Schedules.**
Class Schedule Changes
We have finalized our master schedule for the upcoming school year. Our staffing decisions and the number of courses offered are based on the classes students selected during the registration period last school year. To maintain the best possible program for our students and one that is most responsive to their educational needs, schedule changes will be limited to space available.
Timeline for Schedule Changes
- August 1-7: Schedules will be adjusted if there is a school error or summer school adjustment needed.
- August 8-September 6: School counselors will make requested schedule changes based on space availability
- September 9-November 8 (end of 1st quarter grading window): No schedule changes
- After November 12: Any student requesting a schedule change will need to fill out the schedule change request form, with permission from parent, student, teacher, school counselor, and administrator. If approved by the administration, schedule changes will only be processed if there is space available.
- After March 28: There will not be any schedule changes, regardless of space availability. This date aligns with the last day of the 3rd Quarter.
For any questions you may have, contact your child’s school counselor.
Bus Schedules
All parents/guardians should receive an eNotify email message directly from Fairfax County Public Schools Office of Transportation on August 9, 2024. That email will provide details on the transportation intent process for families and how to access transportation assignments for students. Transportation assignments will become available on August 12, 2024, and changes may be made up to August 16, 2024.
All parents should access their SIS ParentVue account to ensure the Transportation Intent for each student is accurate. Through your SIS ParentVue account, you can see your child’s transportation assignments and intent on the “Student Info” tab. If adjustments are needed, click on “Edit Information” to make changes to your Transportation Intent. All students eligible for transportation services will be provided transportation unless the parent has stated ‘NO’ to the Transportation Intent.
Please contact the transportation office or the Oakton Main Office if you have any questions about accessing your student information.
Late buses will run on Wednesday afternoons and will start on Wednesday, September 4th and the last day they run will be Wednesday, May 28. The late bus schedule will be posted outside of the Security Office and on the Oakton High School page on Schoology; students can also find their bus number on StudentVUE.
Arrival and Dismissal Information and Traffic Patterns
Student Arrival and Dismissal
The building will be accessible to students starting at 7:30 am.
Dismissal is at 2:55 pm. Students are asked to leave the building at the end of the day unless they are being supervised by an adult. Any student who wishes to stay after school must be in the supervision of a staff member.
Traffic Patterns at Arrival and Dismissal
All drivers are strongly encouraged to follow all traffic/roadway laws and driving patterns as established. This ensures the safety of all and maximizes the efficiency of our traffic pattern. Please follow all posted signs and directions of staff. The first week of school, traffic is traditionally heavier than normal. Please allow additional time if you are driving your student to school and/or your student is driving themselves to school.
Oakton High School strives to maintain positive relationships with our surrounding neighbors. To that end, we ask that everyone respects private property while walking to and from school. In addition, no neighborhoods should be used as kiss-and-ride drop off or pick-up locations. This practice severely impacts our neighbors and their daily schedules.
Kiss and Ride Pickup
When picking up or dropping off, it is important to adhere to the traffic pattern laid out below. Please do not park in any spot on campus during arrival and dismissal if you are dropping off or picking up.

FCPSOn Chromebook Devices
The FCPSOn initiative at Oakton High School provides students with equitable access to meaningful learning experiences and technology to support their learning. Each Oakton student will receive an FCPS-issued Chromebook to access dynamic resources and participate in learning tailored to the student’s individual needs. Loaner Chromebooks will only be available for students whose Chromebooks are in need of repair.
The mission of FCPSOn is to provide equitable access to technology and to instructional practices that lead to Portrait of a Graduate outcomes for ALL students.
What are the benefits of using an FCPSOn Device?
Chromebooks will be distributed through students’ 3rd period classes on the 1st day of school.
For more about the FCPSOn initiative in FCPS, please go to the FCPS website.
Login page | FCPS website about Schoology to learn more about what it is! |
Students, families, and teachers throughout FCPS and in our school community will use Schoology (pronounced /SKOO-luh-jee/) as our learning management system. Schoology is a learning space that enhances communication, collaboration, and personalized learning for all.
The Oakton all student Schoology page has all sorts of information, including school-wide announcements, tech support links, and the weekly calendar. It also has the morning announcements and general / academic resources.
The student grade level Schoology pages have information applicable to each specific grade level. This includes announcements and information pertinent to the specific grade level.
The Oakton parent Schoology page has our weekly calendar, resources, and upcoming parent events listed. It also contained course registration information. Parents are also able to access their student class Schoology pages through their parent Schoology account.
Cougar Time and Cougar Connect
Oakton students have an eight period schedule that alternates between burgundy and gold days. On burgundy days, students will attend periods 1, 3, 5, and 7. On gold days, students will attend periods 2, 4, 6, and 8. Third period, also identified as Learning Seminar on students’ schedules, is when we implement Cougar Time and Cougar Connect. More information about these structures can be found below.
Cougar Time
Cougar Time will take place each burgundy day. This time allows students to receive enrichment and/or remediation with different teachers through a designated return period. Please click here to access our 1st quarter calendar for the rotation schedule; we will continue to provide these calendars each quarter and you can find them on our Bell Schedules and Calendar page on our website. When you see 3rd period in the rotation, that indicates the students will be in Cougar Connect.
Cougar Connect
Cougar Connect will meet periodically as part of the scheduled 3rd period. The purpose of Cougar Connect is three-fold:
- To help students and staff make connections among each other and the school
- To help students and staff build community and amplify student voice
- To more easily disseminate important Oakton-specific information to students
In a large school such as Oakton, especially amidst a fast-paced culture of achievement and rigor, we want to ensure that students feel connected and informed. Cougar Connect provides students a home base where they can learn about school events, connect with their advisors, build relationships with peers, and practice vital life skills, including social-emotional learning. Cougar Connect aims to strengthen interpersonal relationships at Oakton High School with the end goal of supporting each and every student throughout his or her high school experience. To better achieve this, we have shifted to grade-level Cougar Connect groups. This structure has been deeply embedded at Oakton for many years, and is a part of all county schools’ schedules.
A Cougar Time and Cougar Connect calendar will be provided quarterly. You can access the 1st quarter calendar here and you can find them on our Bell Schedules and Calendar page on our website as we go through the year.
Oakton Grading Policy
At Oakton High School, we believe that learning is a process.
We utilize transparent, equitable, and student-centered practices that maximize skill and standard mastery where student grades reflect performance rather than behavior.
Gradebooks will provide students with a clear understanding of their learning and areas to improve to achieve mastery of skills and standards.
Oakton Common Grading Policies
On our website, you will find Oakton High School’s common policies on grading which are all in compliance with FCPS’s Grading and Reporting policies. We are currently finalizing any needed updates to the Oakton High School common policies around grading to be sure we are compliant with the changes from FCPS in Grading and Reporting policies. This will be made available during the week of August 5.
Any course- or teacher-specific information can be found on their individual syllabus or Schoology page.
Emergency Care Form and the Clinic
The goal of the clinic is to ensure that your child will enjoy a healthy and safe school year. To proactively plan, we ask that parents update the Emergency Care Form through SIS ParentVUE; there is a section for “Current Health Conditions” and “Current Medical Care Details” that will update the health information for the student.
If you need to drop off medication for your student, please fill out a new medication authorization form. This is required to be filled out annually.
Medication Drop-Off
Medication can be dropped off at school Tuesday, August 13, Thursday, August 15, and Friday, August 16 from 8am-3 pm. You can also drop off medication during Cougar Kickoff from 3-5 pm on Thursday, August 15. Once school begins, medication can be dropped off any school day from 8am-3pm. Please read below for the updated medication guidelines that specify the amount and method of medication that can be dropped off.
FCPS Sponsored Activity Form
If medication is needed at school or for any after FCPS sponsored activity (field trips, sports, band, drama, chorus, etc.), specific guidelines in accordance with the FCPS Medication Administration Regulation 2102 must be followed. A Medication Authorization form MUST be on file in the Health Room for any medication administered at school OR carried by student. Forms (for epinephrine, inhalers and medications) are available in the School Health Room or online.
Medication Guidelines
To help ensure the safety of our medication administration management in Fairfax County Public Schools we will adhere to these guidelines:
- Any time you drop off or pick up a medication in the health room, a Medication Delivery/Pick Up Form will be completed and signed by both the parent/guardian and the School Health Aide or FCPS staff member. This form will document that all required authorizations are complete, and the number of pills or amount of medication accepted/returned. A copy of the form will be given to the parent/guardian and school administrator.
- Medications received will be verified to ensure the description of the medication on the container/packaging matches the medication in the container.
- All medications must be in the original pharmacy container. Over the counter (OTC) medications must be in an unopened original container. It will no longer be acceptable for parents/guardians to bring in refills from home and place them into the container currently in the health room.
- Only a 30-day supply of medications should be brought to school. No more than 25 tablets or pills of OTC medication should be brought to school.
- All requirements outlined in FCPS Regulation 2102, First Aid, Emergency Treatment and Administration of Medication for Students, continue to apply.
School Supplies and Lockers
Any teacher who requires specific school supplies will provide a list during the first week of school.
Students are not automatically assigned a locker, as we have found that most students do not find a need for them. Should any student wish to sign up for a locker, students can sign up through this locker Google form; please note that students must be signed into their fcpsschools.net account in order to access the form.
If you sign up for a locker, you will be notified by email on Monday, August 26 with more information. Students may request a locker after the start of the school year by seeing Mr. Giambattista, Safety and Security Specialist.
Breakfast and Lunch
The Oakton HS cafeteria will sell breakfast and lunch daily. If your student plans on purchasing food through the cafeteria, please be sure to load money on their meal account or bring cash. More information on FCPS Food Services (including payment options for meal accounts, daily menus, free and reduced meal programs, etc.) can be reviewed on the FCPS website.
In addition to our normal breakfast and lunch cafeteria options, students will also have the opportunity to purchase food during “Second Chance Breakfast” each day. This will be available during the passing period between the First and Second block (9:40 – 9:47)
Information on applying for Free and Reduced Lunch can also be found above under the forms section. Eligible families are encouraged to submit the Free and Reduced-Price Meal application before the first day of the 2024-25 school year. More information is on the FCPS website, including forms to apply for Free or Reduced Lunch and Consent to Share Information.
Student Services Office and Administration
School Counselors
Oakton’s school counselors work directly with students, teachers, and parents to provide students a supportive and caring school experience. Students and parents are encouraged to reach out to their counselor with academic concerns, questions about college and career information, or mental health concerns.
Administrative Team
The Oakton administrative team is here to support all students!
The Assistant Principals work along with the counselors to support students. The duties for each assistant principal for the 2024-25 school year are outlined on our website. Please do not hesitate to reach out when you have a question or concern.
Other Oakton Staff Supports
In addition to the school counseling team and administrative team, there are a number of additional staff members at Oakton who are here to support students throughout the school year.
These include: Systems of Support Advisor, School Psychologist, School Social Workers, Career Center Specialist, Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist, and Family Liaison.
You can find their email addresses and more about what they do on our supports page.
Students with IEPs and 504s
If your student has an IEP, they will be assigned a case manager for the year. The case manager is your first point of contact for any questions or concerns regarding the IEP. You should learn who your child’s case manager is by Friday, August 16.
If you have further questions regarding an IEP, you can contact one of the special education department chairs: Shelley Wiederhold (Cat A) at @email or Jasna Koceva (Cat B) at @email.
If your student has a 504 plan, their case manager is their school counselor and any questions or concerns should be directed to them.
School Pictures
Senior portraits
Senior portraits have been scheduled with Victor O’Neill Studios. Additional senior Portrait opportunities for the Class of 2025 are available on:, August 26-28, 2024, October 15-17, 2024, and November 20, 2024 (final opportunity). Information will be provided to families in advance of each photo session so that you may sign-up for a designated time slot.
The senior panoramic picture is scheduled for Friday, September 20, 2024. This will take place during the school day.
Underclass pictures
Underclass student pictures will be taken on Friday, September 3 and Monday, September 6 through students’ English classes with make-ups on November 6 (final opportunity).
Picture reminders for all
These pictures will be used for the yearbook and offered for sale to students and parents. Victor O’Neill’s contract with Oakton does serve as a fundraiser for the school and profits from student pictures are used to enhance the instructional program and facility.
As a reminder, dates and times for picture taking will be announced during morning announcements and posted on our Oakton High School Schoology student page. Senior portrait and underclass picture information will also be emailed to all Oakton students and parents.
Student Parking Information
This year we will accept parking applications from juniors and seniors. Seniors will be given first priority. If the number of senior applications we receive exceeds the number of available student spaces, we will assign spots based on a lottery system to seniors only. If all seniors who apply receive a space and there are still spots to fill, we will hold a lottery for the juniors that have applied. The application can be found here and hard copies are also available in the main office. If you download the document, it is a fillable form. All applications are due by 3 pm on Wednesday, August 7 and must be submitted to the box in the main office. We will only accept hard copies of the application. If after reading through all of the documents thoroughly you have questions, please email Ms. Landis at [email protected].
Applications and the above information can also be found on our Oakton HS website under announcements for you to access.
On August 15 during Cougar Kickoff from 3-5 pm, there will be a list posted of students who have received the parking pass. At that time, students may pay for their parking permit and any fees they owe (in two separate checks made out to Oakton High School, MySchoolBucks, or credit card). Parking permits not paid for and picked up by August 23 will be reassigned to anyone who did not get a parking permit in the initial lottery. Any student who applied after the August 7 deadline will be placed on a wait list along with students who did not receive a pass in the first round. If you receive your license later in the school year see Ms. Coaquira in the main office for an application. Parking spaces will be given out until we have reached capacity.
Limited free parking is available along Sutton Road on a first-come, first-served basis. Please make note that Sutton Road may not be available due to commuter parking. Students may not park in any of the restricted residential areas surrounding the school.
Updated Immunization Requirement
In Virginia, it's required by law for students to have certain immunizations to attend school. This is supported by guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Virginia Department of Health, and FCPS Regulation 2101.
Starting Monday, September 30, students who have not provided proof of immunization will not be allowed to attend school.
You can check your child’s immunization compliance by accessing ParentVUE.
Families of students with incomplete immunization records need to provide acceptable proof of immunization to their child's school as soon as possible. You can find the list of required immunizations on the General Registration Immunizations webpage.
If your child’s immunizations are incomplete, here's what you need to do:
- Get your child’s immunization record from one of these places:
- Request immunization records for free through the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS).
- If your child was immunized outside Virginia, get records from those states’ systems.
- Request records from your healthcare provider. Some may charge for copies.
- Submit your child’s immunization record to your child’s school.
Families should submit their child’s completed immunization records before September 30.
Please visit FCPS’ website for more information. If you would like to speak with an FCPS staff member, please leave a message at one of the phone numbers below. Thank you for supporting our students' health and well-being.
- Amharic: 571-423-4957
- Arabic: 571-423-4952
- Chinese: 571-423-4953
- English 703-204-3941
- Farsi: 571-423-4954
- Korean: 571-423-4951
- Spanish: 571-423-4950
- Urdu: 571-423-4955
- Vietnamese: 571-423-4956
Immunizations are available from your student's healthcare provider or the Fairfax County Health Department. The Health Department clinic locations and hours are available online or by calling 703-246-2411.
The needed documentation can be provided to the school in one of the following ways:
- Scanned and emailed to the school at [email protected]
- Mailed to the school, Oakton High School, Attn: Marta Jessel, 2900 Sutton Road, Vienna, VA 22181
- Dropped off in the Main Office, Attn: Marta Jessel
Please contact Marta Jessel at 703-319-2700 if you have any questions.
SIS ParentVUE Accounts
SIS ParentVUE is the FCPS secure solution for accessing information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and link to Schoology. Your username and password is the same for both ParentVUE and Schoology.
- SIS ParentVUE Account Provides: access to view your child’s student information, including attendance, report cards, class schedules, grade book (for Middle and High School students), course history, discipline, health, and school information. It also enables you to get weekly grade reports.
- Schoology Parent Account Provides: access to view your child’s courses, groups, assignments, and calendar. Parents can also check messages, adjust their notification settings, and access additional groups or courses if they are enrolled as members.
Need an account? Please visit us during our open houses to register for an account or contact Mr. Patrick Chang at @email or 703-319-2700.
The Pantry
The Pantry is available to help Oakton High School students and their families in need. We offer non-perishable food, personal hygiene items, and household cleaning supplies.
The Oakton pantry is available to all of our students and their families.
Read here for more information about the Pantry including how to access it as well as volunteer opportunities.