Health and Physical Education Course Offerings
Personal Fitness 1 and 2 - Open to 10th through 12th grades
Personal Fitness 1 & 2 is an elective physical education course that extends and deepens knowledge of fitness, strength training, physical conditioning, and lifetime health concepts, activities and knowledge to promote health and wellness. Students apply concepts related to human anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, nutrition, and personal fitness planning to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness for a lifetime. Students may not take this course in lieu of the grade 9 or grade 10 Health and Physical Education requirements.
Advanced PE 1 and 2- open to 11th and 12th grades
Elective physical education courses provide students with the opportunity to participate in physical activities for specific purposes. Students in elective physical education demonstrate the knowledge and understanding necessary to analyze movement performance in an activity of choice using scientific principles, and implement effective practice procedures for skillful performance in specialized movement forms. Students apply advanced movement-specific information so that they develop the ability to learn, self-assess, and improve movement skills independently.
Yoga for Wellness 1 and 2- open to 9th through 12th grades
Yoga is an elective physical education course. In this course, students will learn the physical postures and exercises of yoga that develop strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. Students will learn how to develop independent, personal practices that can be adapted and modified to their individual needs. Additionally, students will learn relaxation techniques, breathing practices and mindfulness practices to support their fitness and well-being. Students will learn basic anatomy and physiology in order to understand alignment, benefits and contraindications of yoga poses and exercises. Students will also develop an understanding of nutritional requirements needed for lifelong health and well-being.
Virginia Licensing Process
Here is a flow chart detailing the Virginia Licensing Process.
The hyperlinks that lead to the relevant information can be found if you open the file here.