World Languages Course Offerings

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Spanish for Heritage Speakers

Here we present you with four possible scenarios for student (Spanish heritage speakers) placement. Expand the accordion below for more details.

Details about Spanish for Heritage Speakers

Note: Regular Spanish and Spanish for Heritage Speakers are considered the same language for credit purposes.

  • SCENARIO #1: If a heritage speaker completed Spanish 1 in Middle school, we recommend the following:
    • Spanish 1 (MS) --> Spanish for Heritage Speakers 2 --> Spanish for Heritage Speakers 3 --> AP Spanish or Spanish 5 Honors (recommended/.5 GPA booster)
  • SCENARIO #2: If a heritage speaker completed Spanish 1 and 2 in Middle school, we recommend the following:
    • Spanish 1 (MS) --> Spanish 2 (MS) --> Spanish for Heritage Speakers 3 --> AP Spanish or Spanish 5 Honors (recommended/.5 GPA booster)
  • SCENARIO #3: If a heritage speaker took the World Languages credit exam and earned one credit, the student should enroll in Spanish for Heritage Speakers 2. This would
    allow them to get the Advanced Diploma too.
    • Credit exam (+1 credit) --> Spanish for Heritage Speakers 2 --> Spanish for Heritage Speakers S 3 --> AP Spanish or Spanish 5 Honors (recommended/.5 GPA booster)
  • SCENARIO #4: If a heritage speaker has not taken any Spanish courses in Middle School, or is a newcomer, we recommend they be placed in Spanish for Heritage Speakers 1. After that the student should continue to take levels 2 and 3 for an Advanced Diploma.
Other details:
  • Scenarios #1, #2 and #3 allow students to complete courses and receive credit for an Advanced Diploma.
  • We highly encourage counselors to have one-on-one conversations with heritage students -and parents- to discuss the benefits of taking the Spanish for Heritage
    Speakers class.
  • After taking the three levels of Spanish for Heritage Speakers students will receive the Virginia Seal of Biliteracy.

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