Oakton Common Grading Policy

Learning is a Process

At Oakton High School, we believe that learning is a process.

We utilize transparent, equitable, and student-centered practices that maximize skill and standard mastery where student grades reflect performance rather than behavior.

Gradebooks will provide students with a clear understanding of their learning and areas to improve to achieve mastery of skills and standards. 


Oakton Common Grading Policies

Below, you will find Oakton High School’s common policies on grading which are all in compliance with FCPS’s Grading and Reporting policies

Basic Grading Information

Grading Scale

All grades follow the Fairfax County Grading Scale which can be found here.  

Gradebook Set-up/Grade Calculation 

Classes will utilize a yearlong rolling gradebook to calculate final grades for the course.  This is due to the fact that we believe learning is a process throughout the entire school year.  This gradebook set-up allows teachers to better consider trends in mastery of skills and standards over time.  Quarterly Report Cards are a snapshot of the student’s level of achievement at that moment in time. 

Rolling gradebooks use a student’s performance throughout the year to calculate a final grade. Instead of averaging the grade of the four quarters, a rolling gradebook treats the entire year as one term where assignments count together in all four quarters. The grade reported at the end of the 4th quarter is the final averaged grade for the year. 

For seniors that have applied to colleges, grades are transmitted at the end of the first semester to any college the students request. This includes the grades seniors have in their current classes at the moment the first semester ends. While these grades may change as a rolling gradebook is, the grade that colleges request is strictly the progress the student has made in the first semester. Therefore grade changes that occur due to updates to a rolling gradebook will not be re-transmitted to colleges, as it reflects progress that occurred after the first semester.

Grade Calculation

Grades will be calculated using the following weighted categories: 

  • 70% - Product 
  • 30% - Process
    • Teams may elect to break this category into 20% Process; 10% Process-Homework 

Examples of what each teacher may place in these categories can be found in the syllabus.  

Timeline for Gradebook Entries

Assignments will be graded and grades will be posted within 7 school days after the due date with the understanding that major projects/papers may require additional time to ensure quality feedback. 

Extra Credit Policy

Oakton’s focus is for students to master course skills and standards which is evident in our late work and reassessment policy. Extension-type extra credit questions on assessments can be available but no other extra credit opportunities will be offered. 

Final Exams/Culminating Activities

Students should expect a final exam, culminating activity, or combination of assessments that will be included as part of the quarterly grades. This assessment is typically completed during the final exam window. Some classes (for example AP classes) may elect to give a portion of the final exam outside of the final exam window. In those cases, at least 50% of the final exam grade will come from a final exam or culminating activity during the final exam window.

What is a Rolling Gradebook?

What is a rolling gradebook?

A rolling gradebook is a cumulative document that allows for progress towards a final mark that captures the total picture of student grades, regardless of length of quarter or number of assignments in each quarter. 


What are the benefits of using a rolling gradebook?

  • Allows for increased opportunities for students to show mastery
  • Provides flexibility in demonstrating mastery of content and opportunities for intervention, completing make-up work, and reassessments
  • Helps students maintain positive momentum when setbacks occur
  • Reports long-term progress to students as the year progresses
  • Partners with standards-based practices
  • Provides a more accurate reflection of the student grade at any given point in time
  • Reduces number of tests or large projects due at the same time over multiple classes (usually at end of quarter)
  • Negates imbalance of quantity of assessments within each quarter and timing challenges at certain times of year


What does a rolling gradebook look like?

Rolling GradebookTraditional Gradebook
  • Grades from each quarter carry over and build upon the previous quarter
  • Quarter grades are a snapshot of a student’s current progress in the course and demonstrate performance to that date, not just the quarter. 
  • Final grades are determined by a combination of all assignments and assessments throughout the year, regardless of the quarter the work was completed.
  • Reassessments are flexible and allow for grade updates across quarter timelines. 
  • Grades are broken down by quarters
  • Quarter grades are determined based on performance in the individual quarter and start over at the beginning of each quarter
  • Final grades are determined by an average of quarter grades
  • Quarters are averaged equally regardless of number of grades, assignment types, number of school days, etc.
  • Reassessments may be bound by quarter timelines.


What else is important to know about the rolling gradebook?

  • Per FCPS guidelines, all rolling gradebooks must be paired with a flexible reassessment policy that allows students to reassess major assessments from past quarters or a grade replacement policy where later assessments replace the scores of earlier assessments.
  • Teachers and teams communicate grading design through their syllabus, including the reassessment or replacement policy, how grades are calculated, etc

Grading and Report Card Codes

The following Oakton High School codes will be used in student gradebooks. 

  • Did Not Submit (DNS) - This indicates a student did not turn in the assignment/assessment within the two-week late work window and it is weighted at a 0% or 50% depending on the collaborative team decision.  
  • No Mark (NM) - This indicates a student was excused from the assignment and does not have a grade value. As such, it is not factored into the grade calculation. 

Report Card Codes

  • Incomplete (I) - The student has several outstanding assignments due to an extenuating circumstance.  In these cases, assignments must be made up within a certain period of time to be calculated into the quarter grade.  Incompletes cannot be used for seniors at semester, or at the end of the year for any student.  
  • Audit (T) -  In special circumstances, high school students may be allowed to attend one course without receiving credit for it. The audit application must be completed, submitted, and approved prior to the beginning of the course.
  • Pass/Fail (P or F) - Students may elect to take on elective class each year pass / fail. This regulation helps define the circumstances. 

More information on codes can be found in FCPS Grading and Reporting.

Course Syllabus Information

Class syllabi will follow the same template and order for ease of access of information for students and parents.  It will include: 

General Course Information
  • Course Description/Essential Skills
  • Teaching Philosophy
  • Teacher Availability 
  • Student & Teacher Expectations
Mastery of Learning/Grading Information
  • Gradebook Set-up/Final Grade Calculation
  • Final Exam/Culminating Activity Information
  • Standardized Test Information (if applicable)
  • Reassessment or Replacement Policy 
  • Late Work Policy
  • Absences/Make-up Work 
  • Scholastic Honesty 

Schoology Information

All Oakton Schoology accounts will be organized by unit/week, and there will be a folder for each week of the school year.

Each Schoology class will include the following: 

  • Course Information
  • Assignments
  • Course Resources & Supplies
  • Grading Information
  • Parent/Student Communication
  • Absences/Make-up Work 

If you need to access classes from a previous unit/week, you will be able to find them in the “Course Archive” folder.

Make-Up Work

Students are fully responsible for completing any missed assignments. Each day of absence affords at least one school day of makeup work opportunity. The period of time allowed to make up work may be extended at the discretion of the teacher/team.

Makeup work for excused absences is graded and recorded in the grade book by teachers without penalty to students. For a pre-arranged absence, students must fill out the pre-arranged absence form in advance and acquire all relevant signatures.  In these cases,  a student may request assignments in advance of the absence. Teachers will provide regular or alternative assignments in advance of the absence, when feasible. Following any absence, including a prearranged absence, students should make arrangements with individual teachers for make-up work and deadlines.

Unexcused absences do not mandate course failure. Students may choose to make up work following unexcused absences and teachers may help the student and parent or guardian identify missed work, but teachers are not obligated to provide makeup assignments. Make-up work is encouraged so that students will be prepared for future instruction.

Teachers will provide information on Schoology identifying how students should access make-up work.

Late Work

Product Assignments/Assessments

All “Product” assignments/assessments can be turned in at a minimum of two weeks following the due date. The maximum penalty for assignments turned in after the due date is 10%.

Collaborative teams may elect to go beyond the two-week minimum, and no team is required to impose a penalty on late work. Regardless of how long you will accept late work, the maximum penalty is 10%. Teams will clearly define their policy in the syllabus. 

Process Assignments/Assessments 

All “Process” assignments/assessments can be turned in for credit if the collaborative team decides to allow for late work in this category. If late work is allowed in this category,  the maximum penalty for assignments turned in after the due date is 10%. The deadline for submission will be either: 

  • at a minimum of two weeks following the due date. 


  • A designated and communicated deadline in advance of the unit of study that will allow for students to receive feedback. 

For assignments or assessments where a student made a reasonable attempt to show evidence of their learning, the minimum score that a student can receive is a 50%. For assignments or assessments that a student did not attempt, a student can receive a zero. Teachers should follow all related late work policies prior to assigning a zero. 


Collaborative teams may elect to adopt a late-work policy that exceeds the two-week minimum, and no team is required to impose a penalty on late work.

Reassessments and Replacements

At Oakton High School, collaborative teams will provide students with at least one new opportunity to demonstrate proficiency on major assessments. Teams will adopt a reassessment policy and/or a replacement policy, and this will be clearly outlined in the syllabus. Details for each course’s replacement or reassessment policy can be found in their syllabus and on Schoology. 

Please note that final exams or culminating activities are not eligible for reassessment or replacement. 

Replacement and Reassessment are defined below:

Replacement Policy 

Grade replacement policies that allow later assessments to replace the scores of earlier assessments may be used in lieu of reassessment.  In these cases, the most current assessment will be recorded in the grade book.

If students fail to turn in the original assessment on time or within the two-week late work window, they will have an opportunity to replace the grade in the next available product assessment.

If it is the final opportunity for that standard/skill to be assessed and no future replacement opportunities exist, a reassessment opportunity must be offered.  In this case, the higher grade must be recorded in the gradebook.   


Reassessment Policy 

Any student who wishes to reassess an assignment/assessment in the “Product” category may do so and the highest earned grade will be entered into the gradebook.  

Reassessments may take the form of a retake, completion of test corrections, revision of work, or other similar type opportunity that is commensurate with the initial assessment. Some classes may reassess the same skill later in the year which can serve as the reassessment as well. Corrective action may be offered but will be optional for students.

Teachers are not required to provide students with reassessment opportunities if they fail to turn in the original assessment on time or within the two-week late work window.

English, Regulation 3005

Throughout the year, English classes will read a variety of texts from different genres, chosen to meet course objectives. Administrators, teachers, and parents from our school have reviewed and approved these books for use with our students. 

Please note that some of the books students will read this year may contain mature content and/or controversial material (i.e. offensive language, violence, and/or implied or explicit sexual situations). For texts that include sexual explicit material, you will receive notification from your student’s instructor at least 30 days before the text is assigned.

A list of titles for individual classes will be posted by teachers on the course Schoology page. Any updates to the reading list following the start of the school year will be shared on Schoology, as needed. 

The resources listed below can be used to see book reviews and get more information about the books we will use in our class. 

If a student or parent/guardian would like to review any of these texts or request an alternate reading assignment please have him or her contact the teacher directly via e-mail.

More information can be found in Regulation 3005.

Honor Code

Oakton High School strives to be recognized as a school of honor.  Students, teachers, staff and parents uphold high moral values focused upon fostering a love of learning and pride in individual accomplishment.  Students are expected to show respect for morality, personal honor and the rights of others as is demanded of good citizens.

Our website has more detailed information about our honor code and honor council process.  

Parent and Student Communication

We encourage parents and students to stay apprised of their children’s progress in each course by accessing SIS Parent Accounts and SIS Student Accounts as well as course pages in Schoology. More information on creating a parent SIS / Schoology Account can be found on Oakton’s website. 

If a student/parent has questions about the course or is struggling in a course, students and/or parents are highly encouraged to set up a time to discuss concerns and develop a plan with the following school personnel in the order provided.  

  1. Classroom Teacher 
  2. Student’s School Counselor
  3. Department Administrator
  4. Principal 

Digital Tools

Fairfax County Public Schools uses a variety of resources to support student learning. In cases where FCPS contracts with a vendor to host student information, FCPS requires that the vendor adhere to the security and privacy requirements specified in a confidentiality agreement included in their contracts. FCPS does not have contracts with every instructional tool vendor. Some of the digital resources your child may use this year require parental consent. 

Listed on the FCPS website are the digital tools that are used in FCPS that require parental approval; please note not all tools are being used in every classroom. The tools have been carefully reviewed to ensure that they align with the FCPS Learning Model and FCPS conducts the same technical evaluations for all products that use student information. 

Parents are asked to complete the consent form by Friday, August 23

Oakton Internship Program (Optional for Seniors)

Eligible seniors may participate in the Oakton Internship Program during the final weeks of the school year, health circumstances permitting. Seniors may arrange to intern at local businesses, schools, or service organizations. The intent of this experience is to benefit Oakton seniors by helping them explore a possible area of interest for their future, which provides them a real world experience putting academic interests in action in a non-academic setting. 

Participating seniors will finish all of their classes and coursework prior to the start of the internship and be exempt from any senior final exams during the internship dates. 

All information related to the Oakton Internship program will be reviewed with the senior class during the school year. Applications are typically released at the start of the second semester (late January/early February). 


Oakton and FCPS have a variety of resources available to students both in person and virtual.

These include: